was humble and submissive to the will of the Lord (Luke 1:38, 48). Why is it
important for us to submit to the Lord’s will? How can we become more humble
and submissive?"
scriptures they are quoting are as follows:

So Mary, accepting the fact that she was pregnant, was humble and
You know something else it is called?
And I think this is important.
So much of our ‘reality’ is only in the space between our own ears.
It’s comprised of
things we tell ourselves – things other people tell us – things we believe –
things we wish we could believe.
And a great deal
of our own unhappiness comes because we would rather keep believing untruths
instead of accept reality.
But Mary accepted
what had happened.
She didn't deny it
- if she got upset about it, she did it in private - or kept it quiet - or
simply got over it.
The reality was that she was pregnant - not planned, not even possible, in her
And she accepted that.

But she dealt with
what was happening.
So should we.
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