The technical term currently is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (used to be multiple personalities), which involve "two or more separate and distinct personality states (or identities) (which) control the individual's behavior at different times."

All of us can relate to this, right? I mean, how many of us on the very same day that we pledge to lose that final 5/10/25/100 pounds also pounced on the container of Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Chunk in the big freezer and devoured every last spoonful?

Well, you get the picture, right?
So today, I have decided that instead of fighting my other, my 'dark' side, I would embrace it - and include it.
When I have that irresistible urge for B&J's hit me, I'll go right ahead and eat it.
Without guilt. Without shame. Without apology.
However, I am also going to walk the dogs an extra time. Not out of culpability. Without ignominy. But because I can.
When the Oreo Sonic slips down my throat, it is going to be thoroughly enjoyed, relished, and appreciated.
But I will work one more horse for at least thirty minutes.
I'm not going to fight it.
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