I have a operational dishwasher once again. Hallelujah.
I have lived before without a CLOTHES washer (worse reality was with a newborn). I have lived without running water (only hours at a time, thank goodness). I am tough enough to have our air conditioning off during July (hurrah for Arizona winds!) - I have hung laundry on a line.
So I have regarded a dishwasher as an unnecessary luxury - a machine just to heat water to a higher temperature and sterilize your plates. 

But right now? In August? In Arizona?
No - it is an essential piece of remaining alive.
Because when you are still dealing with 90 degree inside the house during the day, I can think of a thousand things I would rather than do than have my hands soaking in hot dishwasher - can't you?
Stretches the imagination just a bit, doesn't it?
But the dishwasher was open, she came racing through the kitchen, and fell on the door, CRASH SMASH BROKEN.
So she just cost me $300.
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