Saturday, September 11, 2010


Let's go over this again: get out of my 'comfort-zone' - things I have never done before - mildly challenging - not a suicide attempt.

So these seem to be appropriate; most of them are local things I just haven't taken the time to visit - sort of like when you live in Maryland, you never go take the White House tour.

1. Drive up Carr Canyon

2. Visit Coronado Cave and take the tour inside

3. Visit the Ramsey Canyon sanctuary

4. Drive to Nogales (carefully)

5. Take the longer tour of Kartcher Caverns

6. Drive all the way up Ash Canyon

7. Visit the San Pedro River House

8. Eat at the Mesquite Tree

9. Eat at the Outside Inn

10. Find out what the hell the Serenity Club is

Okay, let's see if I can tackle these before the end of September - the weather is great right now.

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