Sunday, March 22, 2009


My fourth car, a Red Maverick with black plaid seats (a fashion statement I never fully reconciled with and hope never to encounter again) came with a cassette tape player - in 1976, a pretty cool thing.

This same car was smashed beyond reasonable (or affordable) repair only five months after I bought it - a karmaic solution, perhaps, to save the world from the bizarre color scheme.)

Rock and roll, born on wax records and raised in juke-boxes, was slipping slowly off the LPs and 45s. Lyrics also used to be standard fare, either on the cover or a loose sheet slipped in beside the record (although I do have to confess to years of singing Chicago's "loving you girl is so damned easy" as "lovin' you girl Iso Rammed Beesley")
I was introduced to CDs (compact discs, not certificates of deposit) at my dentist's office in the 80's. He provided headphones for patients to cushion the sounds of drilling, filing, and patients' screams emanating from the next room. Hearing the Beatles's "Michelle" just once made me a true believer.

(Unfortunately it took several years to convince my penny-pinching side to make the entire switch)

VHS was another huge deal at first; to be able to watch favorite movies over and over and over again - sheer pure joy for someone like me who will read a book to the point where I can quote whole chapters verbatim.

I was the first consumer to wear out all three of the original Star Wars VHS tapes within one year of purchase. My poor children learned more of Jedi Knight training than the A.B.C.s

By the time DVDs came along, I felt totally worn out. This is just a play for more money by the companies - everyone has to re-do their collections - everything gets re-released - it cannot go on.

And I held this stand very firmly.... until I watched my first movie on DVD, and HIP HIP HURRAH! You can jump right into your favorite scene - you can fast forward, freeze, call up subtitles in French and Mandarin Chinese, and (the final cherry on top) you can listen to the director/ actors/ screenplay writers talk over the movie with comments on style, acting methods, or why this particular scene in reality STINKS.
For those who remember Mystery Science Theater 3000, that sarcastic running commentary was what I grew up with - DVD commentary was the next best thing.

Blue-Ray? Please, Lord, no. I don't have the strength.

But $5 can get you the tenth anniversary DVD edition of "Sleepless in Seattle" with commentary by both Nora and Deliah Ephron. Ultimate chick flick.

Okay,got the DVD player, popcorn and a soda.... ahh, I'm set for a couple of hours (gotta watch it without the commentary first and then with it).

Good night.

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