Sometimes it is so incredibly reassuring to discover that there is
someone else who is as insane as you are about notebooks. I have, literally, hundreds of notebooks. I buy the large spiral-bound, college-ruled (an essential item to me - I cannot write on regular-spaced lined paper) notebooks in October at Target when they are clearing out the school-sale-items. And I mean, I buy fifteen or twenty of the plastic-wrapped groups of TEN notebooks. It does help that I only pay about 25 cents per package, but I hoard them like a squirrel does nuts.
Maybe we should get together...I collect PENS!! I walk past the office supply rack in the grocery store and have to keep from buying packs of them. I love getting free pens at work. Every once in a while I have to clean out my purse and remove handfuls of them. I could use some notebooks to actually USE all these pens with...
Oh no, now I am going to have to write a blog about the things you/me/maybe-every-one-who-was-raised-in-South-Pasadena-and-loved-Elton-John are compulsive buyers of.
And your pens and my notebooks are just gonna have to get together.
My name is Erin, and I am addicted to office supplies.
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