Some extremely strict Christian's object to the celebration of Halloween as

'worship of evil' and observance of satanic rituals. They believe that forcing little children to observe such malevolent ceremonies as trick-or-treating door-to-door will obviously lead to capitalist traits such as consumer manipulation, the American dream of 'something-for-nothing' and open market free enterprise , judging by physical appearances...

Wait, isn't that what extremely strict, politically-correct Christians in America

Well, the point is that living far enough out from any town/city/hamlet that people drive their cars to visit their

next-door neighbor instead of walking, you simply don't get trick-or-treaters.
I thought of dressing the animals up; just couldn't find anything that would fit a Quarter Horse or a Thoroughbred.
1 comment:
Enjoyed your comments about really is fun to have the neighborhood stop by and visit. You better start working on animal costumes!
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