Today, he proved it once again. I took him to, I kid you not, a "Laundro-Mutt." It's a set-up with steps up to a bath-tub, a sprayer, shampoo, lotion, towels, TWO blow-dryers, hooks all over the place to clip the animal to - it was amazing. Especially since it cost only $15 for unlimited time.
When I got home late Tuesday (gosh, Tuesday? Seems like a couple of years ago), Murray was scratching his fur out in big clumps, and his
skin was all red and inflamed looking. Turning immediately to an expert source, I googled "dog skin red itch," and the first logical suggestion (after dog porn, using dogs as drug mules, and how a wet dog smells) was to give the dog a bath; if that doesn't help, then take him to the vet.

So... for the low price of $15, I became soaked, covered with dog hair, shampoo, conditioner, and my hair blown-dried straight up.
And Murray - he forgave me. Isn't he great?
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