A conversation tonight with my mother-in-law: her granddaughter (my niece-in-law, if such a term exists) was taken to court by her ex-boyfriend, and father of her son, to sue for custody of the boy, after not being any part of his life up to that time. Took several thousand dollars (some of it from my mother-in-law, who lives on her Social Security) to get a smarter lawyer than he had hired, and seems to be getting resolved (now the idiot is on the books for never paying any child-support - any job he has in the U.S. from now on will have the payments taken directly out of his paycheck before he even gets it)
A lot of memories were stirred up - and it look me a walk outside f
or a while to recognize that it is simply best to let those memories go. We can keep them alive - stir the pot - keep the heat up... or we can decide that peace is more important. I don't mean forgetting the lesson(s) learned - and I don't think the actual memory is ever going to leave - but we don't have to keep re-living it, re- experiencing it, re-telling it.

Thanks. This message is just for me, but to post it helps.
So I didn't know what movie you were talking about so I Googled it.
If you Google exactly "I was very angry at my father; took $80,000 for me to say that. I say it very well, so I'll say it again - I was very angry at my father" guess what the FIRST blog to come up is?
Go ahead do it!
I think this is an awesome message for anyone. You really are great at using experiences, but not letting them control you (or something more Zen-y sounding)
Oh my goodness, that Google thing is MORE than a little scary.
And the line is from the movie "Pretty Woman" - YOU LOSE!!
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