It would be nice to hire a personal trainer/nag/wife who would keep me on track and highly motivated without me murdering him/her in the process, but it would even be nicer to simply have enough self-control to take hold of myself occasionally and give myself a good shake and acknowledge how much time flitters away during my day.
However, I have been a great employee in past years. When I am getting paid, I stay busy, I stay overtime, I get everything caught up, I do the stupid jobs that no one likes doing, as well as creating and updating forms and computer data and re-organizing the entire paper flow to make it more efficient.
I earn my money.
So today, I tried 'clocking in' with a schedule, hour by hour, of the things that need to get caught up, the stupid jobs that I don't like doing, and then re-create and re-direct some of this useless spider solitaire energy.
It worked. I studied my scriptures, I did a little TINY bit of meditation (one of those 'what-a-great-idea-and-I-never-do-it'), I brushed the horses, I painted the trim of the 435 bulletin boards that I have collected over the years, and I even drove into town to have a 'talk' with my second daughter.
So - let's see if it works tomorrow.
And right now I am going to waste at least 45 minutes playing spider solitaire.
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