Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I am very, very seriously worried about me - there are advertisements on television for The Simpson Movie, and I KNOW who/what Spider Pig is. I can even sing the song. Comes from living with my daughter for eleven months.

I am also contemplating closing my business. The last three pianos I have tuned have ended up sounding worse when I was done. Although I have always made it clear I am a tuner and not a technician, it looks like I am going to end up paying for a broken string that occurred while I was tuning. I've been working on my own piano, and somehow whatever magic I've had in the past is gone - my OWN piano is still out-of-tune.

Plus the price of gas is rapidly making a difference in my profit - especially since the last three pianos have been over an hour's drive away. And the advertising costs are prohibitive enough that I have simply stopped anything outside of the yellow pages - and even that is only on-line.

It's tight enough financially even without the token earnings I make; should I just give it up and make do? I cannot tell you how much I LOVE not having a regular job - I'm getting enough sleep, am doing so many projects that I've put off for DECADES (and I am not exaggerating - I mean DECADES).

I'm making this a matter of prayer, but so far I am getting a definite impression that this is like asking Heavenly Father what brand of green beans to purchase - this is something I need to make the decision on.

Any advice?

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