There's a lot of press right now about the inflated prices on Epi-pens.
And I just have to put in a few words of my own.
I know certain people have gotten wealthy beyond anyone's wildest dreams by taking advantage of sick, needy people by manipulating prices on medicines and prescriptions.

But I know how one, at least, research pharmaceutical company worked.
It began with an idea - say, focusing on finding a cure for brain cancer.
It was quite a few people pooling their resources - begging for loans - mortgaging their homes sometimes.
And they begin with nothing.... other than that idea.
They work - build labs, find funding, sell stock, hire researcher - and hope.
And hope.
And hope.
And SOMETIMES this translates into something that WORKS - which can then go into clinical trials.
And hope it gets approved.

And hope.
And MAYBE, just MAYBE, then, you can begin to MAKE the medicine, and charge for it, and begin to actually MAKE SOME MONEY.
Don't make everyone the bad guy here.
We have incredible sunsets here in Arizona.
I suppose we have wonderful sunrises too, but they come too early in the day for me to appreciate.
But the cloud formations - the sun just sliding behind the mountains - the rays pouring up....
It's lovely.
Someday I may actually get a REAL camera and learn how to photograph more than pointing my iPhone towards the site.