The older I get, and perhaps the more experienced I am, the less I want to experience.
When you are young, fresh, and perhaps naive, you want to get all the experience you can.
You slow down as you get more of life under your belt.
And I'm now at the end of my run, and there are quite a few things I am certain I do NOT want to experience.
Such as:
- Bungee jumping. I think this has to be one of the stupidest ways to get an adrenaline rush; some kind of death wish, I guess.
- Trying new foods. Most of us are trying to lose weight - do we really want to discover new tastes that we then have to resist?
- Any More Traveling - at least travel just to be someplace I've never been before. I've done enough - people are great everywhere, different and yet very much the same - I've seen 46 of the 50 United States - the idea of ticking off more scenic sites on a list simply bores me. No retirement living in an RV.
Yes, I am fine with remaining boring and un-experienced.