Wednesday, July 13, 2011


No, I don't understand the theory of relativity.

And I don't understand the dummies explanation of the theory of relativity.

And I especially  don't understand how Einstein kept his hair looking so cool before hair gel was marketed.

But I understand the definition of 'relative' is as follows:

Adjective: Considered in relation or in proportion to something else.
And I needed this tonight to help me balance some things and control some of my own selfish whining.
A wildfire, especially in a populated area, is bad.
Usually rainfall that happens during a wildfire is good.
But rainfall after a wildfire destroys all the natural vegetation on a mountain causes massive flooding, which is bad.
Having your home slammed by a wall of mud, rocks, and water is bad.
Having a home that is not burned, not covered with mud, and not flooded is good.
Tonight I am really really REALLY appreciating my unburnt, unflooded, unmuddied little house.

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