I did something last night that I haven't done in a long time.
I screamed.
I mean, I really SCREAMED.
I grabbed a towel when I was finished bathing, and a huge black spider suddenly appeared on my arm.
But why
do we scream?

Wikipedia taught me a new word,
vociferation, by explaining that "when frightened, human beings tend to yelp, or cry out... to convey fear and to call attention to themselves, increasing the possibility of receiving assistance from others."

It also stated that "this action also serves as a possible defense tactic, as shouting may frighten off an assailant or cause them to falter, allowing a chance to escape."
(Believe me, this spider wasn't frightened at all.)
I must admit that I have screamed right at the moment of... well, let's pass that one by.
But it's like when we automatically cover our ears when there is a huge BOOM.

We run from danger without really thinking about it.
We duck when someone begins shooting at us.
And when the movie music moves to a minor key, when the repeating bass note becomes louder and louder, when we hear something like

That is when we KNOW something is coming out of the dark and we ARE going to scream.
At least when you are a scaredy-cat like me.