As a child, I rescued innumerable 'slightly' killed small animals from overly grateful cats who wanted to present me with their spoils - nursed them back to health if possible - disposed of the bodies when necessary.
As a young adult, I learned how to quickly and efficiently butcher pigs, cattle and sheep in the name of pursuit of a B.S. in Animal Science.

Now as an antediluvian (ain't that a great word?) I am happily settled between eating some meat, not eating some, and people who live both ways.
However, my dog Sofi is your completely normal carniveous dog who, as a labrador, is genetically predisposed to hunt - and kill - almost any warm-blooded creature smaller than her.
(With larger animals, Sofi is reduced to simply glaring at them menacingly)
I honestly think that Sofi is geared to only chasing small furry animals, and since she is quite well-fed ('volumptous' - 'healthy' - 'big-boned'), the inclination to EAT them is not present.
So she went right to the middle of the problem - literally.
It has been a long, long time since I have had to dispose of half of a body.
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