Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Okay, here is a short quiz. Write down the first three things that come to mind when you hear the word "ARIZONA."

Okay, okay, when you read the word "ARIZONA."

Now -- write it.

No, write it down - I'll wait.

Did you write it down?

You didn't, did you?!

Geesh... why do I even bother asking you?!?

But you did think of desert - sun - hot for at least ONE of the words, right?

(The visuals should have helped - and if you didn't, don't tell me, because you are already on my bad list)

So why (back to Arizona), when our average rainfall for January is .8 inches (that is less than one inch), do we already have ALMOST FIVE INCHES so far? Why have we had snow on the mountains for WEEKS already?

I think the end is near.

Even if Dennis Quaid hasn't shown up.... yet.

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