I have acrophbia (fear of heights), and pteridophobia (fear of ferns), and hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia(fear of long words), (and yes, I am kidding about the last two).
Again, they don't have to be reasonable in any way, shape of form, but often originate from a bad

I think it's interesting that a lot of phobias seem to be hereditary - genetic, or simply learned?
But back to the story.

So... maybe it really isn't a phobia

It finally got painful enough (three broken molars and 80 lbs. lighten... hmm... this could possible be marketed as another diet plan... see my other blog later tonight....) that he agreed to see a dentist.
Who then referred him quickly to an oral surgeon.

Who then scheduled the removal of the tooth in the worse shape on (wait for it) THE DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING.
I mean, really.
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