Tuesday, March 25, 2008


- It's much nicer to waste an hour at Applebee's instead of Subway, and it's SOOO worth the three dollars more (if nothing else because the seats are softer)

- Cats can hide in extremely small places, and it's usually just where you do NOT want them to be.

- Aches and pains don't get any better when you complain about them.

- It doesn't matter how often you see them, moonrises and sunrises are always amazing. Sunsets and moonsets are also, but you kinda expect them.

- Sometimes all you need is to hear a friendly voice on the phone.

- There is a reason to have children while you are young, and why you are a grandparent when you are older.

- There are always exciting opportunites in life; sometimes you just have to get out of your comfort zone to be aware of them.

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