Friday, November 16, 2007

I am watching the movie "Free Enterprise" - William Shatner as William Shatner, with a group of Star Trek freaks. Again, one of those movies, like Shakespeare In Love, that is funnier the more you have watched the original Star Trek. Very bad Captain Kirk monologues by the lead guy (who, however, is very very cute - love long hair and glasses), constant quoting from "That Episode," and William Shatner's one dream is to create, produce, and star in a musical version of "Julius Cesar."

And I'm doing this to avoid painting a ceiling!

Today I spent way too much time somewhere else. Trying to convince my 'other' daughter that she canNOT have gastric bypass surgery until she actually tries a reasonable diet for a reasonable amount of time (i.e. more than 15 minutes). Then sitting with her through a doctor's appointment where he said the exact same thing I was saying. Then waiting for a haircut rather than drive 30 minutes to turn right around and drive back 15 minutes later. And although it was a great haircut (included a head massage - alright), I just wasn't ready to spend one hour getting one, then to rush home to let out two dogs who had been crossing their doggy legs for seven plus hours.

So here is my problem - someone, quick, give me a solution - is there any way to paint a ceiling without also painting your newly shorn (it is very, very short) hair?!

1 comment:

Harmony said...

Why would you want to avoid painting your hair? Didn't anyone tell you green is the new blonde?