Monday, December 29, 2014


Most of us believe in certain things.

Everyone seems to believe in luck, or karma, of some kind, even when they deny it.

The saying goes there are no atheists in foxholes.

And it seems like most of us believe in some pretty foolish stuff - like President Obama is a Muslim, the Internet is always true, and what Fox News says is true.

(Sorry, am I making my political stance a bit too obvious?)

Okay, how about belief in Bigfoot, UFOs, and that the landing on the moon was faked?

Well, actually, I think there is something like Bigfoot out there, I DO believe in UFOs (I've seen one), and I'm not entirely certain about the moon landing being real.

But tonight I found out someone I thought I knew fairly well does not believe in something that I accept as very basic.


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