Saturday, September 21, 2013


I guess we've all experienced changes in our priorities throughout life.

When we were young, everything was traumatic and would result in the end of the world. The absolutely ESSENTIAL things were like the right kind of clothes (in the correct stage of either neatness or disrepair) and listening to the right music (usually anything our parents strongly objected to). 

Looking back through the 20/20 hindsight of maturity (in years, not in actual wisdom), we now smile at the small, insignificant things the younger us would have DIED about, such as if that cute boy in English did NOT ask us out.

And suddenly what the music was saying isn't that important - the people that we had serious crushes on are the ones we smile sadly at during reunions and think "Thank God I missed that one!" - and we laugh out loud at photo's of 60's/70's/80's/90's hair styles.

Where was I going with this one? Oh, yes, changes in our priorities.

I grew up with a professional musician, and a lot of music in my life. It was important to me.  And I couldn't imagine it ever being something I might try to avoid.


I have an older brother who constantly criticizes my taste/knowledge in music (or rather lack of both, from his point of view), and I've gotten to the point where I simply avoid the subject with him. I have a tone-deaf husband who listens to country music stations.

And tonight I deliberately did NOT attend a outdoors blue/jazz concert, that I helped organize, that was held literally three houses away from me.

I've changed. And in some ways, I don't like the way I've changed. I need to actually decide if I want to get some of these things back into my life.

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