Friday, April 26, 2013


I am pretty proud of myself; for the past four weeks, I have gotten to the gym (AND worked out) for three times each week.

I started with literally walking for only 10 minutes on the treadmill; I'm now up to 30 minutes and about a mile and a quarter.

I'm lifting some weights - there are enough people in the morning that the 'heavy' lifters seem to crowd the machines. But I'm going what I can each day. And if nothing else, I do some floor work in addition to my regular stretches.

So when do I start feeling better?

Yes, I feel energized for about 20 minutes afterwards - enough time to get my shower and begin driving back home.

But by the time I walk in the front door, all I was to do is lay down and take a nap -- which is what I usually do.

I feel exhausted most of the time - which is the main reason I began working out again, to get RID of that feeling.

Any suggestions, people?

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