Monday, March 5, 2012


Murphy's Law is defined as follows:
"Anything that can possibly go wrong, does."

Today, I woke up inspired to begin a healthier lifestyle.

I created a nice little poster yesterday to remind me to drink a bottle of water first when I felt hungry -- to recognize when I am bored instead of hungry -- cut back drastically on my Diet Coke habit -- and to save the chocolate for only special moments instead of constantly.

So what happened today?

I ate a healthy, reasonable breakfast, with TWO bottles of water.

But I forgot to take my medications until right before I have to drive into town at 9:20 a.m.

So I took them then.

And began to get sick-to-my-stomach on the drive in.

For those of you who do not know where I live,  my home is between the middle of No and Where. There is NOTHING close by. You cannot just run out to get a gallon of milk or a tank of gas -- for heaven's sake, the stupid MAIL box is almost two miles away.

So the only choice for any type of food/Pepto-Bismol/Alka-Seltzer is one lonely convenience store about half-way between home and the closest city limits.

Since the alternative was pulling over to the side of the road to vomit, I stopped there.

And as most if not all convenience stores, the chose of any sort of 'healthy' food is seriously, seriously limited.

So I got a slice of pizza.

Really, it was that, Twinkies or chewing tobacco.


Then for lunch, my second daughter, Joy, suggested going to Subway, which is where I normally get a healthy veggie sandwich.

And, er, yeah, THREE of their freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.


Then my husband, who has finally caught on to the fact that I am not incredibly happy with him at the moment, surprised me by bringing how for dinner my FAVORITE meal - pizza.

With an extra order of bread-sticks.


Oh, well, tomorrow is another day.

Isn't it?

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