Saturday, March 26, 2011


As a child, we wish and wish and wish to be grown-ups - then no one tells us what to do, and we get to make all the decisions and we can eat French Fries anytime we want.

And we do grow up, regardless of how little we are prepared or ready for it. And we grow sick of making choices. We can't eat all the French Fries we want because we are watching our saturated fats and our ever growing waistline.

But we can't make friends on the playground anymore just like that. We lose people we love - we grow distant from the ones we still have.

We're lonely - we live 'lifes of quiet desperation.'

I think we all feel isolated because we are going through mortality. Alone.

But that is deliberate. It is part of the test.

As the popular Christian saying goes, "I didn't say it would be easy. I said it would be worth it."

But it still can hurt.

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