Monday, December 20, 2010


Okay, how do these compare to an hour working out in the gym?

- Taking a twenty-nine year old to a doctor's appointment where she breaks into noisy hysterics about the possibility of perhaps the doctor actually do a physical examination.

- Fighting approximately 1,322 people, 46 infants, and three adults in motorized scooters at Target who were all frantically searching five days before Christmas for the perfect present for both their mother-in-law, the neighbor who picks up your newspaper when you're on vacation, and their children's teachers.

- Walking a frantic greyhound twice today, each time with her straining and trying to keep up with an equally frenetic chocolate Labrador who is chasing imaginary rabbits everywhere.

- Unloading approximately 675 lbs. of alfalfa hay and stacking it into piles between old hay and 50 lbs. sacks of senior equine feed already in the shed.

- Moving each and every single piece of clothing I hang up out of my closet, separating and re-hanging on three rods instead of two.

Yeah, I agree - maybe two hours at the very least.

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